from now on find me at and the blog page is
this is the last post on my typepad blog! i have used typepad for over 20 years now. i have enjoyed it - thank you to the team there. however it is clear that it has been dwindling for some time. there have been very few developments. quite often uploading images generates errors and typepad themseves are taking no new users but directing them to bluehost which is essentially wordpress hosting. so it seems to be winding down. i have been thinking about it for a while but i have finally taken the plunge and moved my blog across to a wordpress site in a couple of down days between christmas and new year. no doubt there is more to be done and a few pages to add but it's well on the way. i have also bought a domain which i can point wherever i end up in the future. the annoying thing of course is that people following will not now find me unless they read this post. on the new site you can sign up to receive a newsletter - i won't send you info on every blog post - probably a monthly news so feel free to sign up to that. i have not yet worked that part out. i suspect most people see blog posts linked to in facebook or other social media sites anyway. i actually think blogging will make a comeback in 2025 because we are all fed up with the hosts of most platforms! i am glad i have kept it going anyway since my first blog entry on blogger in april 2022!
i thought about substack but to be honest that seems to suit people writing for one niche or focus. i am much more eclectic and like to add videos, photos, music and so on. i also don't really like the way substack writers withold content for those who subscribe. i appreciate it's a way to make a living but it's not a way i want to go or like being on the receiving end of. i haven't paid for a single substack and don't intend to start. maybe i'll change my view in time...
for the geeks i have successfully managed to export from typepad and import into wordpress over 4000 posts! i did my best with images but most of them are in typepad links rather than imported so i assume once i stop paying typepad those links will break - we'll find out. i will get the images thanks to typepad but i have not got the time or motivation to add in that many images but at least the text, links, categories will be there. i'll host typepad for a few more months but there's not much point paying a monthly fee for too long.
thank you thank you thank you everyone who has followed along here. do continue to follow along. i think i'll be blogging more not less in 2025. and i intend to add in some other pages. and thank you to the typepad team.