i have a letter published in the guardian today (scroll down) in response to the article spiritual tourism that i blogged about on monday...
it's heftily edited which is the guardian's prerogative... but in case you are interested the full version was:
In response to Libby Brooks article 'Spiritual Tourism (Comment & Analysis, 8 December 2003) I agree that materialism has certainly failed to satisfy the depths of what it means to be human, and a turn to the sacred is surely welcome. But there is something troubling about spirituality fed to appease the individual consumer appetite. In my work I meet with Christians doing all sorts of innovative things to connect with contemporary culture and they are finding that there are ancient treasures in the tradition that people are being drawn to such as the labyrinth, icons, and Celtic prayer (to name a few). They are certainly not 'failing to accommodate contemporary mores' - with bloggers, cybermonks, alternative worship, churches in club culture and so on.
But a crucial part of the Christian story is, as Jeremiah put it that 'the heart is desperately wicked' (Jer. 17:9) and society itself is in need of redemption. The danger of the pick 'n' mix spirituality is that it may miss the real issues. Authentic seekers want more - but they are also prepared to give more. There is a spirituality of resistance that is more than just consumer therapy. Christianity has always been a story of resistance - which is why we will celebrate Christ's kingship rather than Herod's this Christmas.
Nice response - even the heavily edited vesion. A number of folks noticed The Guardian article. I'm not sure if Cosmos appointment was noticed on this side of the pond.
Posted by: Roland | December 10, 2003 at 10:29 AM
excellent letter Jonny!
Posted by: Richard Sudworth | December 10, 2003 at 03:50 PM
Well said Jonny.
Posted by: Mike | December 10, 2003 at 03:56 PM
congrats - great letter! love the final sentence.
Posted by: dave | December 11, 2003 at 01:38 AM
what do you mean by "Christianity has always been a story of resistance"?
Posted by: Jocelyn | December 17, 2003 at 06:30 PM