today as i said i was off to lambeth palace. what a day!
the archbishop has a bunch of friends who get together to support his initiatives if there are things that need to be responded to quickly or just seem easier to keep slightly outside the central stuctures of the c of e. well the friends were given a presentation of the new c of e report mission shaped church by bishop graham cray and others from the working party. (graham is a hero - he has pioneered thinking about cultural engagement and mission for years and he was such a great person to chair this report - it was like all his life's thinking and theologising and dreaming condensed into one stunning challenge and opportunity for the church. i thank god for him.) then various stories of fresh expressions of church were told and shared. i was talking about alternative worship and grace for one of the slots (which seemed to create quite a buzz). there was discussion and questions. and then archbishop rowan shared his thoughts and presented a couple of his dreams for the church.
one of those, as is pretty public knowledge now, is passion for fresh ways of being church. to this end the friends were given a vision of financing a team to help encourage and resource this. they have all gone to think about it and respond. and there's another get together in two weeks.... so we wait to see what happens. but it seemed to me that the people there were excited and totally up for this new vision and investment.
while i was there i got to pop into the crypt which is beautiful. and i took a picture of an icon of christ down there.
rowan's spiel was fabulous - he is so relaxed about things and so trusting in God and so humble with it - it's amazing. i think the church is genuinely moving into some real shifts and changes. i feel like i need to hold my breath or something because this could truly be an historic moment in the direction of the church - it felt that important (not just today but the report, the acceptance by the bishops, the reaction today, it being presented to synod on 10 feb... etc etc.). the anglican church could break open a whole new culture of permission for missional church right in its midst... i'm kind of pinching myself about it just to check it was real. i'll get round to giving you some insights on the report at some point, but today was very encouraging.
ages back i jokingly rworked the quote form one of those mexican shoot out films of a line that said 'are you a mexi-can or a mexi-can't?' into 'are you an angli-can or an angli-can't?' well following this week's activity it has to be the former - bring on the angliCAN church...
good stuff
neat to hear
do you know how i can get a copy of crays' publication from here in nz?
Posted by: steve | January 23, 2004 at 01:05 AM
Aren't we SPECIAL. Were you nviited for tea?
I'm Jealous,
Posted by: rob | January 23, 2004 at 01:53 AM
excellent, jonny! i've been saying for years that the anglican structure offers the most wide-open possibilities for 'new forms' - all we have to do is get on with it! i want more low down next week...
Posted by: maggi | January 23, 2004 at 08:33 AM
also do you know how I can get a copy of the publication here in NZ - after all if anyone can an anglican can
Posted by: dave | January 23, 2004 at 10:10 AM
i assume you can just order from church house publishing?....
and yes rob i am incredibly special! didn't i tell you?! :-)
Posted by: jonny | January 23, 2004 at 04:09 PM
Just wondering where the money os coming from -did +Rowan give any clues?
Posted by: Andii Bowsher | January 24, 2004 at 04:19 PM
the money for this will come from private donors if they respond - the lambeth trust/partners who keep a pretty low profile but support good stuff that is at the initiative of the archbishop. there are also rumours of money from the church commissioners being allocated through more central channels but that hasn't been decided yet....
Posted by: jonny | January 24, 2004 at 05:41 PM
Wow - you guys were front page news today in West oz! (see my post if interested) Maybe it will spark the Anglicans here to get a wriggle on!
Posted by: hamo | January 31, 2004 at 06:04 AM
cool - up the revolution....
Posted by: jonny | February 01, 2004 at 05:46 PM