went to the f-word exhibition today with gareth. he's blogged about it which saves me the effort... it's essentially a collection of amazing stories of forgiveness, all of which seem to be on the web site.
« December 2003 | Main | February 2004 »
went to the f-word exhibition today with gareth. he's blogged about it which saves me the effort... it's essentially a collection of amazing stories of forgiveness, all of which seem to be on the web site.
Posted on January 30, 2004 in art | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
got home today to find a copy of the usa version of our book alternative worship. feeling very excited about it... and to my surprise it is a hardcover book - looks and feels like a real book if you know what i mean - cool!
i guess that means it must be out or thereabouts?
sally morgenthaler has written the foreword to the us edition. i love what she's written... thanks sally!
Posted on January 30, 2004 in Books | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
dave-the-rave has helpfully tracked the posts on the discussion on women and men in the emrging church.
Posted on January 30, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
today i passed through gloucester road tube station on the district line. there is a space there given over to artists. the current exhibition is a series of posters called 'i we it' by mark titchner.
they contain a series of statements that are thought provoking - make of them what you will. i have added the photos to my photo album 'art pics' if you're interested.
more info on the exhibition is here which says...
In making each work he has extracted a single phrase from the corporate vision of each of the world’s top ten brands, as they were published in a randomly selected week. The statements are utopian, almost evangelical, and propose a model of harmony between mankind, environment, industry and global marketing.
The extracts are combined with the prefix We Want, taken from the ten point plan of an anti-capitalist revolutionary group. Through the addition of these two small words Titchner has transformed statements that imply good intentions into demands that seem almost threatening.
Posted on January 29, 2004 in art | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
i know (because i have developed this new habit myself) that once you have a news reader and posts come to you you don't visit blogs in the same way. but you don't get to join in the conversation by reading comments on the bottom of posts. so for you RSS people GET OVER TO MY BLOG NOW and read the comments on the last post! i am so encouraged that this conversation is going on and it highlights how important it is that we keep talking and then translate that into ACTION.
read jordon cooper's inclusion of jen's post and then the comments that follow - makes for depressing reading actually! (so much so that jordon writes that he feels like giving up if that is the so called values of emerging church.) jen lemen rants about here. and becky barkaway expresses her disgust on barky's new look blog (another one moves to typepad - v.nice mark!). lillylewin started all this off and has come back from a week away to discover that the old theory about a butterfly's wings flapping in one place causes a tidal wave in another :-) way to go lilly - hope you had a good week. cleave adds a few thoughts into the mix.
jenlemen begins turning this into some suggestions for action. maggi has offered hosting a uk conversation in cambridge and suggested maybe one down under and in the usa/canada at the sime time?... while some people are saying we don't need conferences or talk i disagree - space to talk is really important but it does need translating into action. we'll certainly do a blah... on this after the visit of tom and christine sine in february.
it would be great if someone collates a list of all these posts and links? let me know if you've tracked this better than me.....
greenflame links to a couple of articles (that i haven't read but assume are good)....
jen (baker) has made one entry on my blog and succeeded on that one post in getting more comments than i've had on any other entry in nearly two years - way to go jen!!!!
Posted on January 28, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
jen and i have been chatting following this discussion. jen had some great points that she kindly agreed to write up:
As an observer, it seems to me that emerging church networks are little different in gender terms to what they are trying to emerge from. It's men on the whole who are in positions of influence and leadership, and maybe that's because they've done more thinking, talking and initiating so far - I don't know. I do feel despondent that it seems to just be more of the same and I've been trying to work out why.
One of the biggest issues in the past that has stopped women being involved in leadership and being culture-shapers is of course theology. My guess is though that people involved in emerging church have got beyond this. There's no question about whether women can or should be involved in all areas of life in whatever form they want to be or feel called to be - it's a norm that we accept.
Looking at traditional and especially evangelical churches, I think the other main issue that perpetuates the gender divide is that men and women in the church, and especially in any form of leadership, don't know how to be good mates with each other. A lot of networking happens relationally - through hanging out in pubs or over coffees, going for meals together and late night conversations at conferences. When people think about putting on conferences, or doing projects together, or meeting to wrestle with theology, they invite the people they know. And because it's largely men doing the inviting, it's largely men who have been invited; women have been left out of the picture or included in a token capacity because they know we ought to be in there somewhere.
Because there has been such an unspoken fear of inappropriate relationships between men and women developing, most opportunities for strong healthy relationships have been squashed as well. Women are safe to converse with in larger groups but not one to one. It's OK to encourage them but not to mentor them. You can chat over coffee at the dinner table but not go down the pub and have a beer together. Single women are, of course, especially dangerous. And so the conversations and networking tend to happen in separate gender groups and are all the poorer for it.
It seems that emerging church networks make a point of valuing and nurturing friendships, not wanting to set up hierarchies or claim to have the answers but rather spending time learning from each other which is great. But I hope that we've got over this fear of one another and that men and women are mature enough and secure enough to make space to really get to know each other well, to listen to dreams, frustrations, ideas and wonderings and together build something that's more like the kingdom.
(jenny baker)
Posted on January 25, 2004 in articles, emerging church | Permalink | Comments (37) | TrackBack (3)
in a previous comment on someone else's blog i suggested that women should have the space to talk and then be listened to. this isn't the only thing i thought should happen but it was an idea.
well maggi has convincingly argued that is not what needs to happen!!! so i eat my words and think she has a much more persuasive argument.
I plead with you, emerging people, do not move forward on this by organising conferences for women to talk to other women. We don't need men to sanction our meeting each other to talk about ministry. We already do that, a LOT. My fear is that the men of the church will think (and perhaps, good-heartedly, believe) that by giving us 'space' to talk to each other, they have done something to solve the problem., When actually, what we will all have done is to allow the church as a body to disengage from the real issues.
Posted on January 25, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
maggi dawn has a fab post to add in to the mix on the men and women debate now seemingly kicking off all over.
in case any of you never caught this on my old blog, jenny (baker) has an article on women and men in ministry that looks at all the bible passage stuff if that's where you are at... it also has some good recomendations at the end.
Posted on January 24, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
following my recent post mayhem over women up front jen lemen left a comment from which i discovered that she with some others are setting up some conversations and getting the issues out there and discussed.... details are here. good news eh?!
Posted on January 23, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
today as i said i was off to lambeth palace. what a day!
the archbishop has a bunch of friends who get together to support his initiatives if there are things that need to be responded to quickly or just seem easier to keep slightly outside the central stuctures of the c of e. well the friends were given a presentation of the new c of e report mission shaped church by bishop graham cray and others from the working party. (graham is a hero - he has pioneered thinking about cultural engagement and mission for years and he was such a great person to chair this report - it was like all his life's thinking and theologising and dreaming condensed into one stunning challenge and opportunity for the church. i thank god for him.) then various stories of fresh expressions of church were told and shared. i was talking about alternative worship and grace for one of the slots (which seemed to create quite a buzz). there was discussion and questions. and then archbishop rowan shared his thoughts and presented a couple of his dreams for the church.
one of those, as is pretty public knowledge now, is passion for fresh ways of being church. to this end the friends were given a vision of financing a team to help encourage and resource this. they have all gone to think about it and respond. and there's another get together in two weeks.... so we wait to see what happens. but it seemed to me that the people there were excited and totally up for this new vision and investment.
while i was there i got to pop into the crypt which is beautiful. and i took a picture of an icon of christ down there.
rowan's spiel was fabulous - he is so relaxed about things and so trusting in God and so humble with it - it's amazing. i think the church is genuinely moving into some real shifts and changes. i feel like i need to hold my breath or something because this could truly be an historic moment in the direction of the church - it felt that important (not just today but the report, the acceptance by the bishops, the reaction today, it being presented to synod on 10 feb... etc etc.). the anglican church could break open a whole new culture of permission for missional church right in its midst... i'm kind of pinching myself about it just to check it was real. i'll get round to giving you some insights on the report at some point, but today was very encouraging.
ages back i jokingly rworked the quote form one of those mexican shoot out films of a line that said 'are you a mexi-can or a mexi-can't?' into 'are you an angli-can or an angli-can't?' well following this week's activity it has to be the former - bring on the angliCAN church...
Posted on January 22, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0)
the book the shaping of things to come that i raved about and said everyone should read. if you want the first chapter free then go and ask backyardmissionary.
Posted on January 22, 2004 in Books | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (3)
lilly lewin made some comments about women making coffee and not being up front at mayhem, an emerging church get together. i've had similar worries/concerns and discussions with people over here. anyway lilly's got in trouble for being honest (why won't the women just keep quiet in church!!! :-) ) but at least she's kicked off some much needed conversation. i've waded in (probably regret it) but if you want to catch up the conversation is going on at chrismarshall - see the comments. he then adds another post with even more comments. i liked his quote:
I spent 10 years climbing the ladder in evangelical ministry, being groomed to be the next super "up front" leader and what I learned is that it had more to do with being an American success story than anything to do with Christ following. I would go as far to say that until I learned to love 2 or 3 and be content in my giftedness, I really never understood what pastoring was. I believe the pastor who will thrive in the future will be one that turns in their pulpit for a guest bedroom, their preaching for true hospitality, their "up front" role for a towel and basin. Hospitality, which fosters powerful organic relationships underground will be the bridges that the Holy Spirit will use to bring healing to our communities. (by the way, women generally kick arse in this area). So men, learn how to clean a toilet and make a bed. Learn how to cut the vegetables and clean the dishes. Learn how to listen in conversation to people's stories as they share lives over a meal and be ready to respond with warmth and empathy with nobody to notice what your doing. The future leader will not be an expositor but a diakanos (table servant). If this is not enough for you, then let me end with this question: Who told you to be successful?
this was the comment i added into the mix:
i'm from london, england, wasn't at mayhem so am talking off the top of my head... but hey that's the web for you! i just couldn't resist joining in. my guess is that lilly is spot on!!!!!!! i can't understand why anyone is surprised or offended - sounds like it's time to listen to a prophet in your midst speaking with a rare moment of insight and honesty? i've been to hundreds of christian get togethers - emerging or other and it's the same all over. men up front, women making the coffee. (it's also difficult when you are organising these things because it is hard to find the women). but unless we are proactive in the emerging thing what's going to change on this issue? someone commented that if brian was a woman he'd still be speaking - helloooooooo!!!! what planet are you on?! i just don't believe it - if he was a woman (i can't believe i just wrote that - brian would be in hysterics if he read it) he would have had to fight an awful lot of battles, work five times as hard, and take a whole lot of stick. maybe the US is different to the UK in this but i don't think so. how about setting up a think tank of women connected with mayhem/emergent where they have space to talk about the issues - and then get some listening space (not in a corner room tucked away but by the leaders/friends and then feedback is heard on a BIG playform - everyone shuts up and listens - and takes it on the chin) before working out what ACTIONS need to be taken to change this whole situation. if that happened whew - i'd be cheering from over in london! keep on keeping on....
Posted on January 22, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0)
rodog has posted a link to an mp3 of martin luther king's speech i have a dream. i have used this untold numbers of times in worship, usually over an instrumental track. in terms of things to go with it, use your imagination! the last time i used was when i was leading worship at the christian socialist movement day...
also on the MLK theme, bob carlton has unearthed a flash sequence on MLK. weird world of virtual relationships that it is, bob and i chatted on the phone last night and looks like we are set to meet in may in california which i am really looking forward to....
Posted on January 21, 2004 in worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Shifting the Church into the Future Tense
Blah... is back with a new series for 2004!
We are delighted to welcome Tom and Christine Sine who will be helping us take a look at global, national, and local trends that are likely to challenge the church in the Third Millennium. They will also be sharing stories from the edge of the postmodern church in the UK, OZ, NZ and North America.
Tom and Christine are wonderful! They have encouraged mission, imagination and creativity amongst younger leaders all round the world. They have helped many to reconnect with a biblical vision of the kingdom as an alternative to the Western consumer dream. They haven’t been afraid to speak out prophetically about the church’s capitulation to consumption. They have written lots of books – The Mustard Seed Conspiracy, Wild Hope and Mustard Seed vs McWorld are probably the best known (in the UK anyway)– and have gleaned lots of wisdom from their travels and their experience. This is a great chance to catch up with their thinking.
This will be the first of a series of conversations hosted by CMS in 2004 on mission, worship, church and Christianity in today’s rapidly changing culture. The timing of this couldn’t have worked out much better with the buzz around the Anglican report on fresh expressions of church at the moment. It’s a time to keep listening, chatting and reflecting as God beckons us into the future.
Tuesday 24 February
Drinks and refreshments provided
Admission free
Venue: CMS partnership house, 157 waterloo road
[Nearest tube Waterloo - follow signs from station to Old Vic. Go past Old Vic and Partnership House is on the same side opposite the ambulance station]
It would help us to know numbers in advance so if you're coming please e-mail joyce
Please forward the info on to anyone you think may be interested
Posted on January 20, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
mission shaped church church planting and fresh expressions of church in a changing context
it sound like a conference put on by emergent or something, but guess what?! it is the title of the new church of england report hot off the press. i got home to find my copy on the doormat when i got in - looks really really good! i know that at one level it's only a report but if the recommendations are taken seriously it would be amazing.
graham cray has chaired the group and it looks like it's been a good group....
it's so easy to get discouraged about church but here's a big glimmer of hope. it's clearly the start of a process in the c of e so let's pray the recommendations get taken up. i'll try and get round to highlighting some bits at another time but wanted to let you know it's out there! it's published by church house publishing. (according to the site it's published on 20 february so maybe i have an advance copy prior to the meeting at lambeth on thursday?..... but if you are in any way connected up to the c of e order your copy/ies now. in fact order it anyway!)
Posted on January 19, 2004 in emerging church | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
tallskinnykiwi blogged about blogging over the road from cms (where my office is). someone spotted his blog entry. before you know it we were leaning out of the window shouting greetings across the street (much to the bemusement of some cms staff!!) to the tall skinny one. ended up having coffee and catching up on life... great to have andrew in town. hopefully there'll be many more coffees and much conversation!!!
Posted on January 19, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
i have put together 20 minutes worship for the GFE spirituality tour. for anyone from the tour visiting the blog for info on where the stuff was from here's a list of the components used:
azzolini and the branch brothers meet being - two lone swordsmen from the album 'swimming not skimming'
space and time - balker/birch from the album 'spirit of the new' available from proost
story of light - williamk orbit from the album 'cafe del mar volume 1'
pray - baker/birch from the album 'eucharist' available from proost
14:31 - global communication from 'sunday best volume 3'
amazing grace - baker/birch from 'old hymns in dub' available from proost
relax animation - jonny baker - on CD ROM with 'alternative worship' book published by spck - in folder 'xtras'
traffic 1 - grace - on CD ROM as above
traffic 2 - vaux - on CD ROM as above
candle - osbd - on CD ROM as above and on video 'journey' available from osbd
candle blowing - host - on CD ROM as above
70x7 - jon birch/proost - not available yet but watch this space
parable of the sower - jon brich/proost - not available yet but wach this space
blessing - lizzie everard - on CD ROM as above
most of the liturgy pieces (breathing exercise, arable parable, creed etc) are taken from the book alternative worship by jonny baker and doug gay with jenny brown published by spck.
Posted on January 19, 2004 in worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
in london on 28 january is a day organised by praxis - a liturgical group within the c of e. it's a day on alternative worship called on another planet II. it's open to anyone - do come along. i guess there is a fee? probably a tenner or something.
the aims of praxis are:
to enrich the practice and understanding of worship in the Church of England.
to serve congregations and clergy in their exploration of the call to worship
to provide a forum in which different worshipping traditions of the Church can meet and inter-act
paul roberts (resonance in bristol and one of the people behind alternativeworship.org) ; ian mobsby and gareth powell (moot), nick mercer, maggi dawn (she'll be leading an ambient mass as part of the day), myself, and philip chester are the people taking part in the day. it's in westminster from 10am-4pm. shoud be fun...
if you are visiting london why not go to hear alan jamieson on the 27 jan and this on the 28 jan?!
Posted on January 17, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
according to online net users are not geeky...
Instead, the typical Internet user is an avid reader of books and spends more time engaged in social activities than the non-user, it says. And, television viewing is down among some Internet users by as much as five hours per week compared with Net abstainers, the study added.
Posted on January 16, 2004 | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
emergent kiwi has moved web site and now has an XML feed (hooray another conversion!). has also managed to get the suggestion that emerging church (or is it microsoft? - read for yourself) is evil
Posted on January 16, 2004 in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
GETSIDETRACKED is an app on creativity with a series of 54 prompts. you get a random prompt when you shake your phone. think of it like a deck of cards. search getsidetracked in iphone or android app stores. see here for more info.
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