mission shaped church church planting and fresh expressions of church in a changing context
it sound like a conference put on by emergent or something, but guess what?! it is the title of the new church of england report hot off the press. i got home to find my copy on the doormat when i got in - looks really really good! i know that at one level it's only a report but if the recommendations are taken seriously it would be amazing.
graham cray has chaired the group and it looks like it's been a good group....
it's so easy to get discouraged about church but here's a big glimmer of hope. it's clearly the start of a process in the c of e so let's pray the recommendations get taken up. i'll try and get round to highlighting some bits at another time but wanted to let you know it's out there! it's published by church house publishing. (according to the site it's published on 20 february so maybe i have an advance copy prior to the meeting at lambeth on thursday?..... but if you are in any way connected up to the c of e order your copy/ies now. in fact order it anyway!)
what meeting at Lambeth? Are we revamping our liturgy again?
Posted by: maggi | January 19, 2004 at 10:21 PM
long story - i'll fill you in at the praxis day.. but in a nutshell there's a group called the lambeth partners that georage carey set up to support mission and evangelism initiatives - they funded springboard. rowan has come on board and springboard is set to stop. but his big thing as i understand it is a 'mixed economy church' which includes plenty of stuff on the margins/new expressions of church etc. there are two meetings where stuff from this report is being presented to the lambeth partners. if they catch the vision presumably there will be some sort of fund for the church to invest in this kind of mission stuff. so potentially it's very exciting. somehow i've been invited to one of the presentation evenings to contribute.... looking forward to it!
Posted by: jonny | January 19, 2004 at 11:22 PM