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Jason Clark

so encouragin, thanks for taking time to write such an indepth report :-)


I am genuinely very encouraged by what I am reading about this move. The words used to describe groups like the one I am in are actually ones I would use myself. This is such a refreshing change.
Are the anglican church only supporting groups that spring from their own denomination, or any mission based group and community? I may approach them for backing:)


Sivin Kit

so when we were justing thinking maybe the "mainline" church might be "sidelined", there's more happening in the "frontlines". This is very encouraging report ... especially for those of us working in traditional denominations. A lot of goodies in your report which I need to "digest" further before a more coherent response.


I'm not suprprised at all that the Youth Worker didn't get funded: it's strikingly noticeable to me that those of us who work in schools, colleges and universities, despite the fact that we're even more 'mission shaped' than the rest of the church put together, actually don't 'count' as proper church in the eyes of those in charge. Chaplaincies and youth workers are regarded, by and large, as para-church workers, and even as luxury extras. It's a fantastically short-sighted view; we really ought to be invited to EVERY church planiting and mission event as we spend all day every day engaged in mission. Mostly we don't even get invited to this stuff, let alone funded by it.


Thanks Jonny; so encouraging. Oh, and so true about Mark Berry - a great work.

Paul Fromont

Thanks Jonny. Very encouraging for those of us with a preference or leaning toward working creatively from within, or certainly in partnership with mainline denominations, for me, that meaning the Anglican church. I'm posting tonight (tomorrow morning for you) a reflection of your 'report'.

Anglican Church Planting Iniatives

Dear all,

As conference organisers we are not producing a full transcript of the Archbishop's keynote persentation of 23rd June 2004.

However, if you would like to order a copy of the presentation on CD, please do e-mail us ([email protected]) or call: 0114 2789378. Including postage and packing, these are available for £4.50




Hey, if anyone does buy the cd - can I borrow it please? :D


Do you know where I can get a transcript of the talk by Rowan? I was there and had it at one stage but lost it!!!


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