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please carry on - they are such an inspiration.


I ask because I'm a technological idiot: How would I download that video to show at a worship gathering?


on a mac using the browser safari choose save as from the file menu and save it. whether it is possible in that way on a pc i don't know?....

where a video is embedded it is slightly trickier. you need to get the address to do that - that is usually possible by viewing the source code (view drop down menu and select source) though you need to have a bit of html knowledge. but in this case you don't need to go that route.

Bob C

Congrats on turning 100 - you do not look a day over 60.

Loved the SLOW service at GB - connected with the difficulty I have in Advent - my sould yearns to wait while my brain & body actually have to amp up to catch up with xams.

As the prophet James Taylor says:

The secret of love is in opening up your heart
It's okay to feel afraid
But don't let that stand in your way
'Cause anyone knows that love is the only road
And since we're only here for a while
Might as well show some style
Give us a smile


I downloaded the mov file and hit play.

As it started a MUSE track started blaring through my computer speakers and I thought "Hmm, wonder how they got copyright to do this?"

The muse track kept on going and fit in really well with the annimation.

Until of course, I realised that quicktime had triggered the MUSE cd in my cd/dvd drive to start playing... doh

Heh, love the clip, love the music ehind it, however it also seemed to go really well with MUSE's "Hysteria"

and I want you now
I want you now
I feel my heart implode
and I'm breaking out
escaping now
feeling my faith grow old


Hi Jonny,
Just to say your worship ideas are inspirational for me and many. I would miss them but also know the need for a break from things that have been running along time.
I guess your blog would always have an element of this anyway. I'll look forward to seeing what you decide.


why don't you just stop when the ideas stop...


there's a song in that cheryl

stop when the ideas stop....


I've been enjoying them from Cali.

andrew jones

wow - that video rocks.

thanks jonny and congrats on making 100!

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