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Ah, Barry is one of the reasons why I want to go to Fuller. Too bad I can't be there. This pond between us is just too darn big.


hope you won't mind the plug but there's a review of MAtricx of meanings that I did at
if anyone wants to see a bit more about content.


I recently saw a man speak @ Capo Beach Calvary church in San Juan Capistrano, CA
Could this be the same Barry Taylor? Am very interested in his testimony but can't seem to find out any info about him. Could you answer this question for me and if so could you point me in the direction of items about this man?
Thank you in advance,


what is most of your poems are about

Cathy Stratton


that is the same Barry Taylor from Fuller, fabulous man. He gave an incredible message at Capo Beach Calvary March 07.


Where can I download audio or videos of Barry speaking?


we don't have any


Heard the song "lovin arms" I was moved.. Great, this man is soul and christianity in one. all my respect.


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