youth focus is the brainchild of steve and jo griffiths. here's the blurb from the web site...
Youth Focus is a company dedicated to providing good quality resources for Youth Ministry and theological training at an affordable price. Whilst our training resources are geared up most especially for those who are involved in Christian youth work or those who are training others for Christian youth work, many of our products can be used in different contexts.
they have quickly developed a range of materials for teaching - and you can buy any session online cheaply - for it you get a powerpoint presentation and teaching notes. the powerpoint is adaptable so that you can make it your own. quite a bit of the material seems to relate to the curriculum for the centre for youth ministry degree course. steve is one of the leading lights in youth ministry (i've not met jo - she probably is as well). the content will be great i am sure. i have looked at some of the sessions - my only negative comment would be that the aesthetic quality of the presentations could do with improving but i do tend to be pretty fussy in that area!