went to see zero 7 last night at hammersmith. what a fantastic gig! the sound was brilliant - you could hear every note of every instrument. much as i loved nick cave's gig, this really showed what a good sound should be like. zero 7 are the dons of chill - this was the first time i have seen them and the four vocalists in particular were absolutely sensational. this was also the first gig in years (maybe 15?) that i have been to with jen - i tend to be the one going off to concerts - and she loved it as well. i reckon the last gig we went to together was probably U2 at wembley stadium way back when sunday bloody sunday hadn't long been out...
i haven't been to many gigs this year but in one month i will have seen nick cave, zero 7 and (still to come) faithless which redresses the balance for the rest of the year... i have also decided to go to the big chill festival this summer. i have been wanting to go for ages but we are usually on holiday then. but the dates of jen's triathlons, the boys camps, and greenbelt all mean i can go this year. so harry and i have signed up... can't wait.
nice one Jonny. i think a whole bunch of us from Oxford will be at the Big Chill next summer too. really lookin forward to it.
see you on Saturday at the Emergent conf.
Posted by: Matt | November 26, 2004 at 12:39 PM
that sounds cool.... did you get to see zero 7 on tour?
Posted by: jonny | November 26, 2004 at 02:16 PM
I too was there! Funny that! Awesome, absolutely awesome! Firstly I hope you weren't one of the mistaken few who left after the first encore. Secondly they sounded awesome, especially the crazy austarlian girl (?) and the light show was incredible!
Posted by: Matt H | November 26, 2004 at 03:00 PM
I love zero 7 and was v.disappointed to have to miss the Brighton gig due to Uni commitments - however, talking about gigs, our family outing this Christmas will be Muse live at Earls Court - not exactly chill out but amazing musicians live! Will you be at the Inclusive Church Conference - I'll be there ;0)
Posted by: hadge | November 26, 2004 at 03:45 PM
matt - i thought i saw you... did you have a red t-shirt on? and were you with a girl with dyed blonde streak on a head of dark hair? i would have said hi but thought you were engrossed in the music and it wouldn't have been a great moment for a conversation...
hadge yes - be good to catch up
Posted by: jonny | November 26, 2004 at 05:53 PM
So extremely jealous. discovered zero 7 about 6 months ago and we (+husband) love them, especially the lastest album. unfortunately we live in NZ so won't be seeing them live in the near future :(
Posted by: christina | November 27, 2004 at 08:53 PM
Faithless - No Roots. What an album... lovin'it.
Posted by: lisa c | November 29, 2004 at 08:49 AM
So it wasn't just the Glasgow gig that Nick Cave's soundman went deaf? ;-)
Posted by: Dave K | April 11, 2005 at 09:05 PM