Protest4 is an open collective of individuals and groups in emerging culture responding to the issues of injustice in our world. the first issue being reflected on and campaigned about is human trafficking. si says:
Protest4 will hopefully simply act as a convergence point for anyone wanting to open source their knowledge, experience and projects tackling any and all issues of justice. While human trafficking is the first issue being looked at by various people, the court is wide open for people to converse and kick off conversation and action on a host of justice-related issues. So, if you're feeling so inclined, do register and add your voice, skills and passion.
the site drop down menus don't currently work in safari or explorer but do in firefox. this should be fixed shortly...
Score for Mozilla.Org. Builder of the browers on the Earth and the Web.
Posted by: RTHoward | October 17, 2005 at 04:48 AM