richard passmore is running a series of posts over at sundaypapers. parts 1 | 2| 3 are up so far. here's a quote from part 2...
Often interpreted as a place of shelter and support for birds, the mustard seed of Jesus has indeed grown into a huge tree, but the birds are scavengers that have taken the seed of the word from the world, and are now a great evil harbouring in the branches of the church, that over time has corrupted it. The seed of the word has been genetically modified and what has been re-sown into the world is only a shadow of it’s former self.
A sweeping statement, and I know there are good and bad, but I wanted to start with this alternative interpretation of the Mustard seed, as I seek to re frame church in order to highlight and recognise the need for change.
Over time the corruption has led to a multi-faceted dualism, that splits worship between lifestyle or an activity, sees church as activity rather than a community, changed the inclusive kingdom of Jesus to an exclusive club, and reduced prayer to a time rather than a constant...
great post!!!
Posted by: Jonathon Norman | September 10, 2005 at 01:35 PM
Hi Jonny, Thanks for the heads up, I have incorporated the various comments and just posted A Manifesto Calling for a New Way of Being and Defining Church.
Posted by: Richard Passmore | September 16, 2005 at 10:02 AM