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Benedictine Baptist

Sounds cool! If you had a spare invite, I'd like to check it out.



I'd love to check it out if you got an invite to throw my way!

Thanks for the heads up.

Matthew Glock

Me too. I'll take one if you've still got em...


i'd love to check it out!


If you've got one left, I'd also love to check it out. Simon from Germany


Me too! Jonah from Spain.


This looks good. I find myself on Biblegateway pretty much daily and this could be what we need. I'll take you up on the offer if there are any spares.

Howard Jameson

Yes please if you have a spare. Thanks.


Hey man if those invites are still flowing, I'd really appreciate one.

Tom Allen

I have heard that is excellent from two people who have used up their invites. I would like an invite - if Jonny has shifted all his could one of the people higher in the comments please give me one if their invites!!

Tom Allen

Mike Jones

I have some spare ones too. Email me if you want one mike -at- shouldbe -dot- net


I would love an invite if you have any to share.


i would like to add my name to the invite suck up list? so if you have a spare invite and are in a generous mood could you help a brother out. i'll dance at your wedding and cry at your funeral. wait a second you're already married aren't you? okay i'll cry and dance at your funeral but the dancing would be a mournful dance. how's that?

million dustbins

Hi Jonny I'd like an invite too if there's any going by this stage....

Mike Jones

As an experiment I've added a page one of my wikis for anyone to add their email address to who wants one. If you get an invite when you log in you get 3 given to you so do the decent thing and cross yourself off the list and find someone else on the list and give them one. :)

Click my name for the link to the wiki

Josh Blount

Wasn't able to login to that wiki Mike, but I'd love an invite. Anyone got one?

robin dugall

I want in too...give me, give me, give me!


i would really like to jump in this. I dont know if anyone has any left so if you any could find it in the heart. I share the wealth, so I will pass it on.

James Kingsley

i'd love to test this baby out on canadian soil if there's any invites left...

Matt Prielipp

Hey there, I am blogging the Bible as well at www.mybiblejournal.com. If you have any invites left, it looks like a great tool to help with the site. Shoot me one if you can, otherwise I will wait my turn in line. Thanks.


jonny, last on the list but if you have any left would love an invite...if not no worries.

Walter Faerber

If you have any invites left, I'd like to check it out from Germany!


i'm waiting for the invites to be added to my account - will send them to people when i get them... i doubt there will be enough for everyone but i'll do my best!


Hey, I could be wrong, but I think Ebible moved off Beta today, so it's now open to anyone to sign up for. I'll echo Jonny on this one...it's dead cool. I've used it for about 3 weeks. Under the "share" tab, if you search for ntwright, you'll get a few of my bookmarks I'm experimenting with. Invite me to your communities, so we can get some emergent folks together seeing what each other are reading and getting your thoughts on various passages.


It's gone alpha today, so invites no longer needed. Good timing too, seeing the demand for these things.

D. Goodmanson

If you like that, have you checked out Sermon Cloud? http://www.sermoncloud.com YOu can find, tag, comment, post sermons on anything.

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