it was weekend number 4 of this year's ReSource course (church planting in the emerging culture) this last weekend which seemed to go pretty well... it was down in chichester and i stayed on for a cms team meeting.
a highlight for me was meeting bob, a converted addict doing amazing things on an estate in southampton. i hope to get a story/interview at some stage for so will leave it until then to say more. it is also encouraging to hear how people on the course are developing either new projects/plants/communities or dreams so hopefully the course is helping
we are now planning next year's course. we are shifting to running it from sept to july so the next one will start autumn 07. this is to tie in with the academic year so students on other courses can do ReSource as part of their learning and we're also going for optional accreditiation so people can get credits for doing the course. there's a brochure you can download (pdf). and there is info on a taster day you can attend at the next weekend in manchester on 25 november if you want to get a feel for the course. please pass on the brochure to anyone you think might be interested - we have printed copies as well so if you'd like one of those get in touch.
Man do I feel left out over here on the eastern coast of Canada! Looks like you guys have plenty of resources, lots of things astir, which I find extremely interesting and challenging. I like the reSource statement of not starting with the church. I too recognize that even though the church sends out people into other cultures, we should at the same time be raising up the indigenous to become disciples within their own cultures. awesome! thus spoke churchpundit
Posted by: churchpundit | September 26, 2006 at 05:26 PM
what are we going to call this culture once it's emerged? I've always wondered that.
Posted by: Holyphil | September 26, 2006 at 11:49 PM
good question! postmodern won't last. network society doesn't seem to have stuck... who knows? but i guess will always need people wanting to engage with what is emerging
Posted by: jonny | September 27, 2006 at 07:08 AM