well i finally got to visit newcastle. admittedly it was only short but i enjoyed seeing the angel of the north for the first time from the train window, sitting in a cafe 3 yards from bobby robson at the quayside, and visiting the baltic where there was an exhibition of street art spank the monkey.
the reason i was there was to meet a few people gathered together by phil smith to talk about emerging church and mission in the north east, including exploring the potential of starting a blah sometime next year. it also transpired that there was an alternative worship service sanctuary that night in ryton which we went along to which was very mellow and reflective, led by tracy and andii bowsher.
it was an exploratory conversation so we'll see what happens next... having visited the north east only a couple of times i don't feel i am in any position to hold forth on it and i am convinced the resources for re-creation already exist within the region itself and don't need to be imported. the energy in our meeting and conversation was about creating space(s) for gathering together and forming a relational network of people interested in creativity, imagination, new ideas, risk, innovation, entrepreneurship in mission, and reconnecting with the inspiring monastic heritage of this area. hopefully this could become an incubation unit for dreaming dreams and whacky ideas for what could happen in this part of the world and who knows what might get set loose if a few of those dreams were brought to birth? a couple of words that came up in the conversation that captured the feel of the church in the area were traditional and/or beleaguered. dreaming/innovation/risk seem suitably counter to that prevailing mood. if you are in the north east and fancy a bit of dreaming and adventure let me or phil know...
am now en route to telford to meet up with mark berry and the community of st brendan (what i call their nascent mission community). will be fun to join in with a community meal...
Technorati Tags: newcastle
You seem to have such a fun job! I used to think that Jeremy Clarkson had the best job in the world, but yours must come a close second.
Posted by: Paul Morriss | December 15, 2006 at 04:44 PM
it has a lot of fun elements... :-)
Posted by: jonny | December 16, 2006 at 10:07 AM
Did ask Bobby for some advice for the footy team, I think we need it!
Posted by: russell | December 16, 2006 at 04:00 PM
It is good when work involves pizza and a good view :D
Posted by: Robb | December 17, 2006 at 06:55 PM
Hi Bobby. I am interested in you coming to speak to our students at All Nations re the emerging church and your perspectives.
Posted by: Paul Davies | December 18, 2006 at 12:10 PM
Glad you were at 'Christmas Unwrapped' in Ryton; and sorry I missed it! Thanks for the mention of it, and the piccie of our font in Christmas wrap. Yes, Ryton is 'traditional', not-so-beleaguered, yet oh so open to what Tracy has to bring us in alt worship. Tom, her training incumbent.
Posted by: Tom J | December 19, 2006 at 12:43 PM
Hi Jonny,
Read that you had visited Newcastle and were in converstaion with people thinking about setting up something emergenty. I moved to Newcastle in September and would love to be involved. Dreaming and adventure sound like good plans for 2011. Let me know how to stay in touch with plans as they unfold.
Posted by: nancy doyle | January 05, 2011 at 08:09 PM