it's all been a bit quiet on the blah... front but we are gearing up for action. it wasn't exactly planned this way but we have almost got a sort of tour happening with bill bolton on the entrepreneur imperative. i blogged about bill's grove booklet on the entrepreneur and the church a while back. since then i have been getting to know bill a bit and he has offered to do some blahs around the place on this entrepreneurial stuff.
the london one is going to be a day on the ship HMS President on the thames embankment which is pretty cool for a venue! it's on saturday march 31 10am - 4pm. you can see the details and book online. other dates are planned for manchester, nottingham, and birmingham - see the tour page of with possibles for orkney and liverpool being lined up at some future point.
other developments with blah...
nottingham and sheffield are getting started with oxford and newcastle contemplating doing so at some point soonish. because of interest from other places in getting started we have developed a new web site that is wiki based - the idea is that each local blah can add and edit its own pages without having to wait for me, gareth or anyone else to do it for them. if you are using safari on a mac it doesn't seem to like the pointed link so try which should work for you.
we also intend to develop the resources end of things collating mp3s and are exploring publishing (self publishing of course) some of the fab content that has been delivered through the blah... network over the last year or three. that may take a while longer but we're on a roll. hope you can join in blah...