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So when do we get the Blook of Worship Tricks?


that's what I keep asking myself every time I read one of these.


This is great.
My question: When you post something like this, do we have permission to use your photos and your words to make our own postcards, or are we to take away the idea and develop our own? I would never want to plagarize....


Okay, I am clearly lazier than Tricia, because I want to know if I can buy sets of these cards. I can think of many friends I'd love to give them too.

If you wouldn't normally do something like that, perhaps it could be used as a fundraiser...?


i hope you keep up the worship tricks. i learn so much from them.

[the postcards look great!]


This is great. I've been interested in the work of John Drane and others in the area of New Spirituality. What an indictment upon us that, as Drane points out, so many people would never consider the Church as a place to find spirituality.

I'll be interested to hear how you get on with the Jesus Deck. A fascinating set of cards!

Blessing your ministry...


hoping to be there on the 24th, so will pop by if I make it :)
Cards look great. And I echo Wilsonian, I would definitely buy a set if they were ever up for sale.


These are great! Well done, and may the Lord be with you at the festival.


thanks everyone - glad you like them...

i am very happy for people to use anything we do other than for commercial purposes. all my photos on flickr are licensed with creative commons which says this. i'll chat with gareth about whether we could make them available in any other way. the stand is expensive so maybe this could raise a bit of funds towards next year?


Paying for next year's stand is a great idea. I'd be willing to pre-order too, so you wouldn't be out of pocket.

Greg the Explorer

Jonny your stuff is exceptional. We used the Blind Bart Stations last night and it was deeply moving for many people - the most commented on "thing" we'd done as a community. Thank you to you and all the other peopoe on the interweb who produce and create and allow others to use for free - this is the spirit of the gospel - the antithesis of the selling of the gospel that goes on all over the world.

Blessings from Australia

rhymin simon


just to echo the above, these are really good cards, a wonderful mixture of accessibility and depth.

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