it's about that time of year when you think about courses/training for the next (academic) year. so just a reminder and plug...
the next ReSource course starts up in october. it's a year long course for those involved in creating church in the emerging culture. there are 5 weekends on the course on the themes of mission, culture, leadership, church and transformation. it's directed by beth who is wonderful and a team of us work with her to help shape and deliver the course. cms are one of the partners in the course.
this year for the first time it's accredited for 20 points through spurgeons. that's optional. and if you are doing another course it might be possible to do this and get credits. i guess it may depend if your college/university will recognise that. but you could certaily explore that. accreditation is optional though. the course is for practitioners.
this will be the third year of the course. we've learned lots on the first two years. hopefully it gets better each time. each weekend is in a different location in england at which we emgage with and hear stories from practitioners in that location. a big part of the value of a course like this is meeting other people involved in mission/emerging church in other situations and sharing the journey together.
so... if you're looking for some training why not join the course this autumn? you can download a brochure (pdf) .