i am coming across more and more people who are taking communion back into the context of the meal table which seems like a good thing as that's where it was birthed...
marcus cunrow has pulled together a few ideas and prayers that they use at urban seed in melbourne. i am making them worship trick 10 [series 3] . i have picked out one of the prayers below, but there are plenty more.
Holding up the packet of Seeds
Holy community of gracious hospitality, in the midst of our homelessness you extend us an invitation to Grow Home.We thankyou for your invitation to join the vocation of those who through the ages have vowed to grow new households of love.
Set us free to share our wealth and may the poor always be with us. May we live in fidelity with your wild creative power respecting the sacred connections between your Spirit our bodies and all creation. May we only be obedient power. Grace us with mutual submission. Give us courage to give of ourselves with the same passion with which you lived and died.
Lord hear us.
All: Lord hear our prayerHolding up the Bible
May we Know the Word. Not ancient words on a page but the living Spirit of Christ among us. Guide us in our speech at this table, choosing our stories and storying our choices. May this table be rich in story give us strength to raise our voice and to discipline to listen for yours.
Lord hear us.
All: Lord hear our prayerHolding up the Credo Cafe bowl
May we Eat Slow. Make us mindful of all that has been given and received in the process of production and consumption. ( At this point mention could be made about different elements of the meal and what is known of their process of production). May this meal reconcile us with God, creation and others. May our eyes be opened to your presence through the breaking of the bread and may our eating bear witness to the meal to come, to which all are invited and where there is enough for all.
Lord hear us.
All: Lord hear our prayerHolding up the bottle of oil
May we leave this table energised to Go and Engage our world. To speak truth to the powers and to each other; to name and cast out that which is evil in our world and within; and in the midst of our brokenness may we know and share your healing power; your gracious hospitality to us.
Lord hear us.
All: Lord hear our prayer
yes - marvelous refreshing, holy - but of course
under canon law and my Bishop
Posted by: Rhys | July 20, 2007 at 03:47 PM
Posted by: jonny | July 20, 2007 at 04:20 PM
OK as a Salvationist not the best person to join a conversation on Eucharist in some people's eyes, but didn't Jesus say that He came to fulfil the Law? I always considered, when I worked for the Anglican Communion, that it was therefore strange that the Church brought in a new Law that seems almost as bad as that adhered to by the Pharisees!
I suspect that if Jesus was to come today He would be reinterpreting Canon Law by taking the Eucharist back to the meal table, just like He reinterpreted the Law of Moses during His ministry!
Posted by: Graeme | July 20, 2007 at 06:34 PM
Isn't the "Holy Communion" about our cummune with God? A personal intimate sharing of our soul with our Maker?If the above prayer helps us attain that closeness, why object?.As Jesus said,Mark:2,ver:27 " The sabbath was made for man and not man for sabbath". The same applies for canon law as well doesn't it?.
As Jesus so aptly put. Matthew:13,ver:52." Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old".Wouldn't it please the Lord more, that His disciples are finding new expressions to get closer to Him?.
I come from a staunch catholic background, but one of the teachings always bothered me. Is how we pray to the different saints to bring our petitions before God.Is that not against the first and foremost commandment?. When asked how to pray, our Lord Jesus gave us " Our Lord's Prayer" so why are we being taught different?
Posted by: Blithemuse | July 21, 2007 at 04:37 PM
These words made my heart race. Amazing. Holy. Such depth. Is the full service available somewhere? I would love to read it all.
Posted by: Phil G | August 14, 2007 at 10:42 AM