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Mike R

Good old Richard Russell - I haven't seen him in years.


The book is on my to read list - I heard him speak on some of the themes in this book at Soularize and was blown out of the water.

D.G. Hollums

i am preaching a sermon today, and I am reading the book! Perfect timing if you ask me, and AMEN to all that you have said!!!!


surprised by hope is on my wishlist too.

in my UK pentecostal environment whenever we mention green issues for instance, we often get in response a blank stare or a puzzled look and a "well it's all going to burn anyway"-type comment.

tim lahaye and that other guy do still have an influence but it's good to seeing that things are changing...


I just wanted to say that we had Tom Wright speaking at WYSOCS here in Leeds last year and he was superb. We had about 300 punters and he went down very well.I was particularly encouraged because I've been saying these kind of things about heaven and earth for years and some punters look at you as if you are mad. Great that you mention this Jonny. Thank you


ryan guard

I just finished this book and I loved it! Calling Jesus the prototype for what God plans to accomplish in the rest of creation says it all (238). This is "Subverting the Empire" are two of my top 10 faves. I wish that the Walsh/Keesmaat tour was coming through the states. Arizona could use a fresh word.


If you enjoyed "Surprised by Hope" you will love "The Ressurection of the Son of God" - of course, also by Tom Wright! I'm reading it slowly and thoughtfully. It is like drinking an amazingly good well-aged wine, evdery sip, every paragrapg, every page, is wonderful.

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