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Bumbling Saint

This is encouraging- if the CofE shows the way, perhaps the dear old Lutheran church over here in Germany will get the idea sometime soon.


it looks like the place for communities like ours to find some sense of connection and belonging.


i find this to be enormously exciting - makes possible so many things - thanks for the update jonny and for keeping those of us outside anglican circles so well informed - peace, julie


i didn't realise you were an anglican ;)

definately very keen about having clear boundaries, rather than the vague 'lets hope it goes away' that sometimes presents itself when dealing with a fresh expression being anglican.

i think its the best thing practically about this, like you said.



Wow. This is earth shattering. This is like a seismic shift in Anglicanism.

I am really hopeful that we can now see about engaging with being emergent Anglicans in a good an positive manner.

I do worry about this signalling the death of the parish system. For all it's flaws the CofE is a church for everyone. There is someone who is charged with the 'cure of souls' for everyone in the UK. They may be less effective at that in some areas but they non-the-less have that responsibility.

Vive le revolution!!


After 800 years of being locked into the parochial system we at last have the opportunity for mission shaped church as opposed to church shaped mission. Best of all we still have the established church and all the mission opportunities that affords - a truly Anglican both/and solution.


One thing I would love to see more mission-shaped churches have, is a website that is primarily designed for outsiders. We try to suggest strategies for this on our church website design self-assessment tool at InternetEvangelismDay.com/design and welcome comments on this and ideas for improving it.



Andy Rowell

This was linked to be the Emergent Village USA site at

Jonny and friends,
I recently wrote a paper on Rowan William's Missional Ecclesiology - specifically trying to piece together out of all of Williams's work what might be pertinent to the Fresh Expressions conversation. I would be pleased to have anyone interact with it.


Andy Rowell
Doctor of Theology Student
Duke Divinity School
Durham, North Carolina
Blog: http://www.andyrowell.net/


Jonny - thanks for the update. I've forwarded this to my Anglican buds here in the states. Becky

andrew jones

jonny - i have learned not to take you seriously on april fools day. see you if have the same story tomorrow.


This is great news and has some challenging implications for those of us who are in other denominations. It's good to see that serious changes are already coming to fruition off the back of Mission-Shaped Church.


Andrew - I agree except that there are a lot of legit links here AND Jonny is here in the states - he doesn't have the time to devise this elaborate of a ruse. Now, if it was Kester posting this, that's a different story.

andrew jones

ok - i believe him. i just posted a link here.

And I enjoyed Andy Rowell's paper. Thanks Andy.

John Davies

Mission Shaped Church's social analysis is seriously flawed (speaks solely of middle-class values and trends, not those of the majority of society) but at least the bit you quote acknowledges that 'parochial structures are still effective in mission'. An understatement but yes, thanks. As one who has made a journey through alternative worship to community development work to parish ministry I find it disheartening to read your seemingly gleeful evaluation that 'now the parish system has been legally blown open'. 'Blown open' - the language of violent aggression; 'mixed economy', 'entrepreneurial' - the language of capital. I'm all for fresh expressions but ... wow ... please choose them carefully...



This allows a both/and - it doesn't force an either/or binary decision. Anglican ambiguity has won the day - again.

I cannot intellectually defend establishment, but as long as it's here I'm going to encourage the maximum use of all the benefits it brings. I also want to encourage sisters and brothers who feel constrained by parochial systems to go and do their thing - as it is discerned that God is leading them.


thanks everyone for the comments...

it wil be interesting to see how it all shapes up over the next 20 years!


I think this is fabulously exciting!

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