and you have read about NET, the network of entrepreneurial talent and been frustrated that all the get togethers are in london, well NET are running a symposium over two 3 hour slots at greenbelt exploring business as unusual. there will be a mix of input, panel and practical advice to help people with business/social enterprise ideas that want to make them happen. the two slots are sat 2-5 in cms blah tent, and sun 5-8 in workshops 1 - more detail here
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Just love the idea of Greenbelt being ROUTED in the Christian faith - (see NET link) its a wonderful unintentional image for the Festival - its great to see NET engaging their ideas with Greenbelts ethos - perhaps the most natural home for these ideas in the Christian calender
Posted by: Tom Allen | August 18, 2008 at 11:53 PM
I love reading your blog.
It is one of the best I have read in a long time.
I want you to know that you and your ministry will be in my thoughts and prayers. God has wonderful plans for you and His work.
I have added your blog to my favorites and hope you have a blessed week! :-)
Posted by: preacherman | August 19, 2008 at 05:09 AM