it is one year since we relaunched proost. we are back in g-source with a stand where we'll be showing movies and so on and encouraging new subscribers to sign up. we've also sponsored the beer tent on sunday so if you are there you'll see some proost beer mats!...
fri night 10pm we have an unusual suspects evening in new forms - unusuals suspects is a project to identify and encourage new talent in a range of media to publish their work for the first time. a few of the suspects will be interviewd and performing or showing their work.
and then we have a proost lounge saturday evening in the hub (next to the book store) at 7pm. the first 100 people will get a glass of sparkling wine on us. and a whole bundle of artists will be there performing - i guess it will be a laid back showcase sort of evening. please come and join us.
we've had a good first year. focused on good content each month. it now means there is £200 worth of downloadable content plus new content each month for the year ahead so we think it represents great value to subscribe for £60. but we don't really have much in the way of marketing campaign so please let anyone know who you think might be interested...
grace are back in action as ever. we'll be lifting the lid of our explorations in hospitality over the year with lunch not included on monday at 12noon in new forms and one of several groups acts of spontaneous worship round site. watch out for the red umbrella apparently!
this is my final if you are coming to greenbelt... post
maybe see you there if you are coming. let's hope the weather improves!