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Nice post, got me thinking,

I was wondering if the act of communion asks us to move beyond the metaphor of the body— ‘take eat’. In communion, is the swarm asked to devour the body (‘organismic’ metaphor) and move towards a new structure, perhaps a network?

bob c

man that phil does some great mashing up


From the perspective of an ex-Christian, this does a brilliant job of highlighting something that I have difficulty getting Christians to address.

Christ truly does not have a body without yours: without you acting in his name, he would cease to 'exist'. Surely this is shocking and worthy of your attention. We can attribute all acts of love and kindess to 'god', we can be inspired by the stories of the bible and behave in a manner which we believe to be as Christ-like as our flawed selves can muster. But none of that means that Christ does actually exist anywhere other than in the pages of a book and, consequentially, in our heads.

When I try to talk about this, I am usually given the same rote responses: Jesus loves me; it's about having a 'personal relationship' with him; or a number of other *metaphors* that have no direct relation to experiential reality. I'm not asking you to give a response on behalf of those others - but please do think about it. Ask yourself, if you took god out of the equation, could everything you do in his name still happen? I suggest that it could, and in fact, does.

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