the launch of the stations of the cross in oxford last night went really well. jam factory is a great space for it - art gallery meets bar and it means the art isn't just seen by gallery visitors. i expect there will be plenty of visitors. the range of media and types of art is broad and there are some really good pieces. this station of christ's scourging and crowning with thorns is by clay sinclair drawing on imagery now etched in our minds to do with guantanamo bay - simple yet powerful.
ian adams and matt rees are the two drivers behind stillpoint and they are chatting here with the gallery manager who seemed really pleased. she said to me that she was pleased and surprised it wasn't more religious - i'm not exactly sure what people think religious is but that sounded like good feedback anyway!
i took a few photos of the launch and some of the pieces. i'm about to head off for spring harvest (yes i know - first time i've been in years! - am doing some teaching and running an alternative to the big top celebrations each evening - reflective readings) so haven't had time to even add photos of my piece or others to flickr. but i'll blog about that later in the week assuming there is wireless internet and what i was thinking.
ian adams stunned everyone with his painting claiming he doesn't paint much but on this showing he definitely needs to do more. i'll add that nearer easter. the exhibition is on for two weeks so if you're in oxford go and visit - the perfect good friday thing to do...
Hannah and I went along this morning - really thought-provoking stuff ... this is the first time in 4 years i've not organised a stations of the cross, so it was good to visit someone else's.
Posted by: andy goodliff | April 10, 2009 at 01:41 PM