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Posted on October 30, 2009 in faith, mission | Permalink | Comments (2)
Posted on October 27, 2009 in photos | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted on October 27, 2009 in blogs | Permalink | Comments (2)
Posted on October 25, 2009 in Music | Permalink | Comments (2)
Posted on October 24, 2009 in Music | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted on October 24, 2009 in london, photos | Permalink | Comments (0)
the latest installation in the turbine hall at the tate modern how it is is brilliant. it's a huge cavern of darkness waiting for you to enter. walking in you can hardly see a thing. people walk nervously and slowly in some with hands outstretched. in the darkness you turn around and can see the light in the entrance and the shadows of others fumbling their way forward. this sense of not knowing what's ahead of being in the dark is surprisingly powerful. it conjured up several thoughts for me about life's direction and faith and the way forward which can so often feel like this. this is what some of the blurb on the wall says about it...
How shall i move forward? you might ask yourself as you stand on the threshold confronted by the darkness ahead. The unknown can be terrifying especially if it's also without light... Staring into the black may make you wonder whether to proceed at all.
once you have rested in the darkness a while it turns out to be more peaceful than it seemed when on its threshold. your eyes gradually adjust and what seemed invisible and hidden is easier to make out. it reminded me of the contemplative notions of the hidden darkness of god...
it's difficult to know how to photograph darkness! this photo is my favourite attempt as it's hard to make out if anything is there. but i took a couple of shadows of people in the entrance and one of the whole thing. and then a friend asked me to take a video or two of people entering the darkness which are on vimeo 1 | 2 | 3
Posted on October 23, 2009 in art, london, photos | Permalink | Comments (2)
Tags: balka, darkness, how it is, installation, tate modern, void
Posted on October 22, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (5)
Tags: dubb, poetry, utter
ok just kidding...
standing still is the title of a new movie on proost from andi mac themed as a ghostly tale for halloween. we also have two new movies from molten meditation which blend scripture, quiet music and visual wallpaper. these tracks are from his new album also up as part of our latest upload.
and yes if you subscribe this is all included in your subscription in the download area.
Posted on October 21, 2009 in alternative worship, faith, movies, proost | Permalink | Comments (0)
shannon hopkins runs an annual raffle fundraiser with a pretty good prize of a trip from the USA to london (or the other way round) at the dates of your choosing.
tickets are five pounds and e-mail catherine if you'd like to buy one - go on you know you want to!
Posted on October 21, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (1)
i have some photos in the festival annual
ben edson reflects on moving on from sanctus 1 (scroll down for 4 posts so far) - all the best to alistair who picks up the mantle
i cam across laughing jesus i think through steve bevans. i love seeing representations of christ in different cultures.
chris erdman is back blogging
mark waddington is collating vimeo worship loops
Posted on October 20, 2009 in blogs, emerging church, faith, labyrinth, movies, photos | Permalink | Comments (0)
well we're getting closer to resource starting for this year. the web site has had a makeover and looks pretty funky. resource is a course over a year of four weekends exploring themes of mission, culture, leadership, transformation, discipleship and church. each weekend is in a different location/context where we encounter a local community or two and hear their story and what they are up to, as well as some teaching, discussion and reflecting on how it all connects with our own context.
who's it for? - this explanation is pretty good
how much is it? - each weekend is less than £100 though you have to sort accomodation. there is a bursary so if you're strapped for cash still apply.
the weekends this year are in sheffield, london, leeds and southampton - and yes the london one is being hosted by grace and moot with a focus on alt worship and mission. you can either sign up for the whole thing or just come to individual weekeds. the whole thing is best because a big part of the learning is hanging with other people and sharing the journey together.
the first weekend is the last weekend in october in sheffield so book now! if you can't pay now you can book and pay later. please tell anyone you think would benefit from the course as we run on a fairly low budget when it comes to advertising and rely on word of mouth, blogs etc...
i love the course - one of the favourite pieces of work i do.
Posted on October 17, 2009 in leadership, mission | Permalink | Comments (0)
Tags: resource
if you're in oxford steve bevans will be living a lecture at cms tonight (thurs) at 8pm. it has been absolutely wonderful to have steve with cms for a couple of months as our missiologist in residence. steve is a catholic missiologist who has written several books on contextual theology and mission. he has really led the thinking in this whole area. if you're around don't miss it. he's also giving a lecture again next thursday. it's entitled
what does contextual theology have to offer the church of the twenty first century?
on the subject of missiology i have been accepted as a member of iams - the international association for mission studies
Posted on October 15, 2009 in mission, theology | Permalink | Comments (3)
Dungeness timelapse experiment with Canon 7d from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.
this time lapse movie just blew me away - read the detail on how long it took to make! thanks to bill kinnon for pointing me to this site which has lots of tips and inspiration if you have either a new canon 7d or a 5dmkii and shoot movies. there is clearly a whole technical debate on how many frames a movie should be shot at and then edited at. movie making is so complex. i honestly don't have time to do the process philip describes so if it's important to change movies from 30 to 24 or 25 frames per second i'll have to wait until canon upgrade the software. however in trying to wrap my head around the process i was reminded of a piece of software mark had mentioned to me ages ago for converting movie formats - mpeg steamclip which is free to download here and is brilliant.Posted on October 14, 2009 in movies, photos, web | Permalink | Comments (1)
Posted on October 13, 2009 in movies, web | Permalink | Comments (0)
dave wilkie!
dave you get the code to have a typepad blog for a year - congrats. sorry to the others who left comments, suggestions and e-mailed me. dave seems at a point of strating out on a journey that he wants to record and reflect as he goes. lots of the others are already blogging so i guess you guys can/will just carry on...
dave e-mail me - click on envelope icon under my photo on the blog where it says hello. the code is valid until tomorrow so i am hoping you are reading this soon. or leave a comment with your e-mail.
Posted on October 12, 2009 in blogs | Permalink | Comments (2)
another grace, another bundle of creativity and worship. the theme was bread and the service involved making yeast, making and baking bread and reflecting on and discussing various things on the way. the smell of the bread baking was great and the bread was then shared and broken at the end of the worship.
i always like the visual side of worship. and when it comes to curating i think a good question to ask as well as developing an order of service and stations and whatever else is whether you can create something that makes visual impact as a central idea. this time round we came up with the idea of getting some alphabet cutters and cutting text into bread that was suspended on washing line across the front of the space saying i am the bread of life. we toasted it so it was less floppy - grace toast!
it was simple but looked brilliant. an added bonus was projecting light onto it created a silhouette of the words on the church wall above.
when the cutters arrived they looked such fun i had to try them out at home and ended up making two video loops using some bread and my oven - grace toasted and grace grilled, both on vimeo. i made these using the canon 5d mkii whose video making potential is such a massive bonus to the camera. to get that photographic look and quality on movies is wonderful. my grill pan has never looked so good...
anyway i am making bread suspension (and related activities) worship trick 73 series 3 . well done to sarah who was curating her first ever grace and pulled off a pretty impressive grace. details will get added to the grace archive in due course i'm sure and photos will appear in the gracelondon flickr group no doubt.
Posted on October 11, 2009 in alternative worship, faith, grace, movies, photos, video, worship tricks | Permalink | Comments (8)
Posted on October 11, 2009 in greenbelt | Permalink | Comments (1)
GETSIDETRACKED is an app on creativity with a series of 54 prompts. you get a random prompt when you shake your phone. think of it like a deck of cards. search getsidetracked in iphone or android app stores. see here for more info.
the latest book is a full colour coffee table type book which is the first published by new venture GETsidetracked - pioneer practice