the next resource weekend is in london from jan 8-10 and focuses on mission and worship. it's hosted by grace and moot. the weekend will include...
fri evening in the scooterworks bar in waterloo
sat morning - reflecting on the story of grace, an alternative worship community and unpacking its mission instincts in relation to postmodern (or whatever you want to call it) culture
sat afternoon - some practical worskhops in small groups in whatever areas of interest the group have - curation/planning, leadership, visuals, creativity, music, community life...
sat evening - grace and grace cafe
sun morning - reflecting on the story of moot, a new monastic community, and unpacking its mission instincts and theology in relation to life in the city
sun afternoon - visiting art installations in london and reflecting on them theologically
sun evening - moot
i am looking forward to it. the good news is that you can just book into this weekend - it will stand alone. so if you missed the first resource weekend it won't matter. it's only £95 which includes food in the day on sat and sun. you need to find your own accomodation. details are on the resource web site here. and you can book from there... we get a lot of people visiting interested in finding out more about grace so this weekend is absolutely ideal if you are thinking of making such a visit.
Hi Jonny
Really sorry, but I can't find the date...May be me speed reading, but can you publish the date for me please?
Posted by: JoC | November 12, 2009 at 09:15 AM
it's on the weekends page but i have added it above - jan 8-10th
Posted by: jonny | November 12, 2009 at 11:32 AM