i got to drive through kingslake park, the area where the fires were so devastating in victoria north of melbourne in 2009. it was one of the most striking landscapes i have ever seen with blackened trees and almost a post apocalyptic feel in places. what it must have been like nearer the time i can only begin to imagine. the fire was taller than the forest and moving at 100km per hour at its height. and yet over a year on, whilst it is stark (and strangely beautiful), new life is emerging. trees are growing leaves, the undergrowth is shooting up. it's amazing how resilient the earth is.
i have now added a set of photos from australia - some of the installation, some of the coast, some of the forest and a few random ones...
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Just FYI, the area is called Kinglake, not Kingslake.
Posted by: GordonG | March 23, 2010 at 11:16 PM
thanks - sorry! i have now corrected that...
Posted by: jonny | March 24, 2010 at 07:11 AM
Green is the new black up here.
Posted by: Mike | March 25, 2010 at 11:37 PM