the silent pilgrimage was a site-specific sound installation at greenbelt that took the participant on a reflective journey around the festival site. you donned a set of headphones and a transmitter meant you could listen to the track at the appropriate place. five groups were commissioned to write the meditations: frunt, molten meditation, beyond, spirit walk and gloopy music. the meditations, of both words and music, provided a unique soundscape for the festival site. the good news is that if you missed them they are available on proost this month in the audio section or in the download area if you are a subscriber. ben edson has also secured some funding so that meditations are going to be used around the city of manchester in the mind body spirit festival which is another move to take alt worship typr stuff into public space - exciting stuff!
also on a meditation/reflective theme pall singh of sanctuary in birmingham has recorded three meditations sanctuary peace in his unique fusing of asian music with alternative worship. again these are available in the audio section of proost...