i know it's nearly christmas and you've got other things on your mind but i wanted to flag up the ReSource weekend in sheffield at the beginning of february so you have time to book if you are interested. ReSource provides immersive mission experience weekends in a range of locations and contexts. there are plenty of courses out there that impart head knowledge but we think we learn best by meeting people who are doing mission, by hanging out with their communities, hearing their stories and then thinking about what we can learn for our own contexts. throw in some great food and other inspiring people on the weekends and you've got a great mix! the sheffield weekend is called big and small and is a weekend to explore the diversity found across new forms of church. here's the blurb from the flyer
Starting a church with a team of thirty can be a very different experience to starting from scratch with one or two others. This weekend tells the stories of a few churches and mission projects in Sheffield which together show how diverse both the process of starting out and sustaining what grows can be. You’ll have the opportunity to visit Uncut and City Base as well as hearing the stories of Christ Church Central, and Louise Yaull, a Church Army evangelist working in GP surgeries. Together we’ll reflect on their theology and practice. There will also be additional input from leading researchers in the field able to give a national perspective.
you can download a flyer here, a weekend outline here, and book here