we have an exciting week coming up as part of the cms pioneer training in november on missional entrepreneurship. there are still a few places left. you don't have to be doing the whole course with cms - you can buy into an individual module. the location is amazing - where i took this photo or this one or this one. please let others know about it if you know people that would be interested - see http://flavors.me/missionalentrepreneurship for a web page that is a bit more standalone if you want to pass it on. here's the spiel...
Want to start your own missional enterprise or project?
This week will tackle issues faced in starting up mission projects and social enterprise:
How will you get started?
How will it be sustained?
Who is going to be involved?
How will you build a team?
How will you measure the impact?In addition we will look at social enterprise and what it’s relevance is today, its history and what unique opportunities it provides.
During the week you will be hands on working on a missional enterprise to tackle a social issue, engage community and do it in a financially sustainable way.
The week will be led by Shannon Hopkins, founder of Sweet Notions and Matryoshka Haus social enterprises, and business entrepreneur Steve Baker (one of whose business endeavours is Pickwell Manor where we will be hosted).
Cost – only £250 including food and accomodation.
Dates – 7-11 November, 2011
Location – Pickwell Manor, Devon
To book – e-mail Helen at [email protected]