i'm very excited because we have a new web site which has gone live today! proost is a site full of creative content - movies, books of liturgies, music, and worship experiences.
we re-invented and re-launched proost in August 2007. having initially been a label to release our own music, we wanted to shift to being a platform for other creative artists who fuel faith in imaginative ways. many of those artists are part of alternative worship communities or emerging churches who seem to produce beautiful art for worship that often only gets seen or heard by a few lucky people in that community. so we hoped to unearth that treasure for a wider audience. we wanted to diversify content beyond music to include liturgies and movies and anything else that caught our imagination. and we also re-launched to get with the [download] times making all our content or as much as possible downloadable.
but 4 years on and it's amazing how things change - time for a refresh. so we hope you like the new look and feel of the site. have a browse around, try it out, let us know what you like or if you think anything needs a rethink. if you find anything that doesn't work or look right let us know that too as there will doubtless be a few teething issues...
this time the site is in house designed by blueprint - the company of aad, one of the proost partners, which we're excited about. big thanks to tony especially!
lent begins tomorrow - a season i love where traditionally the church prepares for easter by focusing on what it means to be a disciple of christ. we have vastly improved the categories of content so for example you can now search through content for seasons of the year such as lent to find gems such as last year's cave movie or the seemingly timeless 40 by si smith (yes you can now also view an artist's page to see all of their content).
we have two new books this month that are both ideal for lent.
polartoids is a beautiful mix of poetry and photography. the minute we saw it we loved it. the poems are grouped under four themes - humour, crying, asking and waiting. pete christensen is new to proost - a kiwi living in thailand where he offers retreats and spiritual direction to christian workers throughout asia. poetry offers him a way of exploring faith and life without restrictive conventions. i am definitely adding this to my material to reflect on through lent.
if you want something more immediate beat tweets by tim watson is a collection full of 140 character (or less) prayers, petitions, liturgies, dreams, hopes, fears and statements originally tweeted by @BeatLiturgist.
if you are a subscriber or registered you'll get an e-mail today inviting you to make the switch across to the new site. subscribing still represents great value on proost as you can access all the content -which has currently grown to over 60 movies, around 40 albums and 25 books, and 3 interactive worship experiences. the user experience is much neater all round. we hope you like it. do let us know how you get on and we'd love any feedback. enjoy!
I'm interested in subscribing, but I'm in the US. Is it still possible?
Posted by: Alishadefreitas | March 13, 2012 at 09:21 PM
Yes sure. The payment is with paypal so it will convert for you and you can access all the content.
Posted by: jonny | March 13, 2012 at 09:42 PM