i had a complaint (yes really though it was said tongue in cheek!!) that not many worship tricks have been forthcoming on the blog. the honest truth (what other kind of truth is there i wonder?!) that the blog has had less of everything in the last two years because of one crazy maxed out life. but point taken and i will get my butt in gear and add any i come across. so here goes - worship trick 24 in series 4: digital prayers using visible tweets.
i have been at plenty of events where a twitter feed scrolls on a screen on the stage. it's fun and creates some level of interaction/commentary on what is going on. we've done this before now at grace which felt like it enabled people connected to grace but not physically present to participate which was brilliant. as i mentioned in the last post i was doing a few reflective/prayer slots at a conference last week focused on communication. one of the sessions was on social media so i tried to use that in the worship slots. one of the things i did was to get people to pray using a twitter hashcode. i am sure this has been done by many people in different ways so am not claiming any originality here. however i did a bit of scouting around to see what is around by way of showing a live feed on the screen. the problem very often with ones i have seen is that the tweets are very small and so quite hard to read from a distance unless there is a very large screen. but then i came across visibletweets. you don't even need to download it. it's a flash based website. type in a hashcode, a search term or someone's twitter id and then one tweet at a time fills the page and beautifully animates to the next. it's slow and feels meditative, just right for tweeted prayers or reflections. there is a button at the bottom corner to go full screen. it's clean, simple and very nicely done.