i'm delighted that andy freeman is joining the proost team. we have been looking for someone for a while who could give a bit of time each month but who is on the same page as us. andy fits the bill perfectly with his own creative approach to worship and involvment in the creative edge of the church in mission. proost has an amazing amount of resources now - i was counting up the other day and we have 20 pocket liturgy type books for example. but it's the world's best kept secret. so it needs some new energy to get the word out and build the creative content. we interview andy here who sadly is one of a growing number of people referring to me as 'harry baker's dad'!!! if you are not a subscriber to proost it's really worth sigining up or encouraging your church/community to. you can log in to the back end of the site and download what you like when you like and the price is still only 60 pounds which we have kept since we relaunched several years back.
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