occasionally something comes along that is a wonderful surprise. this happened to me recently when a book arrived in the post called and we will become a happy ending it's a collection of stories and sayings, ponderings and pictures that describe a church called theStory in canada - it fuses meditation, liturgy, prayer, art, theology. it's laid out beautifully like a coffe table book. it really is amazing. you can preview the book here
when things like this come along i find myself filled with hope. it's a real labour of love. it's available on proost i am delighted to say - proost exists for precisely this sort of creative publishing that comes from the bottom up. it's available as a downloadable pdf. of course if you are a subscriber it's available as part of your subscription! i actually have 10 physical copies that i have bought - they cost me around £15.50 each by the time postage is added. i am very happy to pass them on at cost price so if you know me or bump into me just ask. or you can order it through amazon.
Please could I have one from you? Are you at Resource later? Cheers Kim
Posted by: Kim | May 10, 2013 at 10:13 AM
sure - I'll bring a few along. yes i am at ReSource - really looking forward to seeing you. feels like an age since we last chatted!!
Posted by: jonny | May 10, 2013 at 10:25 AM
Thanks again, Jonny. The good stuff you've put out through your blog, proost and grace were most definitely an influence on our work.
Posted by: joe | May 10, 2013 at 05:54 PM
Hi Jonny, I don't know you! But I read your blog and would love one if you have any left. I'd pay postage etc... I think it would be a great present or my brother in law who leads Love Bristol. What do you think? Could I buy one?
Posted by: Jane Reeves | May 12, 2013 at 06:21 PM
Jane hi - yes of course. if you e-mail me - click on e-mail button in middle column of blog - we can liase
Posted by: jonny | May 13, 2013 at 07:48 AM