i have to say i was surprised to see a tweet from brian maclaren linking to this, but it seems at least to some degree that the emergent church is up there with islam and communism as the bad guys as far as the religious right in the US is concerned. i want to issue a massive congratulations to all concerned! though it is frankly absurd...
my usual approach to these kind of things is to completely ignoe them because america is so different and to respond adds fuel to a fire which i'd rather no do so don't expect much from me on it!
Never mind congratulations. This just makes me very sad.
Posted by: rebecca | August 28, 2013 at 08:49 AM
It could be there are different kinds of "Emergent Church"... To openly accept all is a great mistake.
Posted by: Tom | August 29, 2013 at 10:30 AM
Most of us in the US shake our heads and roll our eyes. Remember, the same people saying this stuff are the same who see hurricanes as God' punishment for increased acceptance of lgbt people, etc. They are the largest obstacle to overcome when trying to portray God and Christ as something other than some gun-loving, right-wing hater.
Posted by: Lynn | August 29, 2013 at 06:13 PM