very exciting today at cms to have the possible world course being delivered. this is a new course on mission which takes a focus on prophetic mission - prophets are people who grieve over the way things are and see new possibilities against the odds and then help people create that new possible world.
it has seven sessions:
One: Jesus, a prophet. Me, a prophet?
Two: Hospitality: All right for some?
Three: Consumer culture: I want to live simply…but I like stuff
Four: The environment: For God so loved the world
Five: Human suffering: How can I show I care?
Six: Injustice: So many issues, so few of us
Seven: Now what? Joining the prophetic and the practical
a 50 page booklet which looks great and a dvd with some very inspiring pioneering people who are creating new possibilities where they are.
a colleague debbie james has been working on this for a couple of years and done a wonderful job - it's been road tested and reshaped accordingly. ideal for a church, home group, missional community, or any group that want to explore together how another world might be possible. if you are planning ahead how about using this for lent? (or advent if you're quick!).