loving jen's blogs on equals. the last two have been so interesting...
the latest is on men and the church around which there is so much nonsense spoken (in my view!). i remember a talk by jen at greenbelt a few years back where in response to the suggestions that church is not such a great place for men she suggested it was also not such a great place for women who have also left the church in droves over the last decades! i totally hate the notion that we need more so called 'real men' in church... boxes boxes boxes. perhaps if church was a place for men and women to be friends, equals, to enjoy partnership together it would be possible to flourish differently?
i also really like the idea of catching the sayings and doings of gender. it's often quite tricky to know how to talk about but this attention to its performance seems to me to open up possibility for conversation that can be really constructive. it's developing a practice of seeing and noticing what is going on in oursleves and around us together as men and women. and then pointing them out and talking together - simple eh? by way of example i have noticed that when our family gets together we always say 'ooh you like nice' to a niece but say something completely different to a nephew not related to appearance. a small thing but it's the saying and doing of gender. having notcied it has helped me think about it, talk about it, affirm the appearance of both nephews and nieces and try and shift the conversation. anyway jen says more...