next saturday tend sees grace focus on prayer drawing inspiration from st teresa of avila who many attribute to be one of the key inspirations in contemplative prayer. we now have a cycle of services at grace that flow through a focus on art | word | bread and wine | prayer. a couple of years back i curated a service inspired by john of the cross which i really enjoyed doing and has lingered with me ever since (and indeed i subjected students at ripon college cuddesdon to a eucharist inspired by the same last december) - i guess this is a similar kind of thing though the set up will not be quite so elaborate.
one of the images she use for prayer is that it is like preparing a garden for god hence the imagery and title - if you are coming we will be having a garden theme so do bring a few plants, compost, food waste, tools or any other such items! there will be space for prayer… looking forward to it though i'll be racing back from leicester where i am speaking at a day on vocation (which i am also looking forward to). it starts at 8pm at st marys ealing and there's a café afterwards so plan to stick around.