the last grace was close enough to low sunday (is there a low saturday?). and steve collins led a wonderful grace SENSEOFDOUBT inspired by the story of thomas for whom easter didn't happen. the outline of the service is here in the grace archive and includes some gems...
it was a reminder for me how sometimes simple can be very powerful - there was a slideshow with words and a fabulous soundtrack to accompany it and plenty of space - the tracks are listed and you can download the slides. one beautiful track i hadn't heard before (and got rebuked for shazzaming when i should have been meditating upon it!) was weapons by son lux which has the extraordinary line which i have thought about since and indeed used yesterday with pioneers at cms...
put down all your weapons
let me in through your open wounds
this was a prayer
We thank you Lord for the story of Thomas
showing us that faith was never easy
and that doubt never breaks your love for usWe lift up to you our demands
show me,
prove it,
give me a sign NOW
our doubts
may your peace be with usWe offer you
Our fumbling answers
when others tell us
you are not
may your peace be with usWe offer you
Our pain
And reticence
When we hold back from rejoicing
Because others can’t
may your peace be with usWe ask you
To meet those
In need of peace
In need of blessing
In need of an end to their waiting
may your peace be with themWe do believe,
help us overcome our unbelief
am making the whole thing a worship trick - 58 in series 4...