ian adams has produced another amazing resource - 40 temptations. it's a downloadable pdf booklet with 40 reflections which combine poetry, photography and mediation. they are profound, really profound. this booklet began its gestation last year as a series in morning bell which i remember being wowed by at the time. i'm not sure whether temptation is the right word - ian also describes them as taunts, a sort of internal (or external) script that tempts us to be less than we are or can be as humans made in god's likeness.
to give an example one is:
you don't belong here
the naming of these taunts is so powerful. i think we all have this kind of thing going on rumbling below the surface (or sometimes shouting loudly in our minds) to derail or sabotage us. it's quite a daring ask to set yourself or your community to face these down over lent. it's much easier to pretend they are not there to be honest, or at least to keep them hidden in the dark. but i dare you to journey with this resource over the season of lent either alone or with a community you are part of...
this is the third booklet like this that ian has produced - the other two are come and see - on starting a missional community; and give me a drink - on mission. those would also make good study resources for lent.
if you are looking for other ideas for lent have a look at proost news this month which links to a few things.