it was a pretty exciting day today as for the first time jen and i visited prospect wood as joint owners with friends pete and julie. i hinted at this a while back which was when we had contacted the owners to say we'd like to buy it but it has finally gone through and we unlocked the gate for the first time today. for me this slightly leftfield venture began on a silent retreat when i can only say the idea of a woodland emerged out of the silence fully formed in my head. when i got back jen was very open to it, and subsequently we found out friends were also on a similar quest so teamed up together and way quicker than expected we find ourselves with 6 acres of woodland. it's in sussex and is peaceful, magical and beautiful. everyone i tell about it asks 'what are you going to do with it?' - we don't exactly know yet - it's an adventure to be explored but it will be woodland and we'll look after it. we hope it will become a special place for family and friends to hang out, share stories, light fires, camp, put hammocks in trees. we will have plenty of wood for woodburners! our friends run mindfulness courses and will take visitors to the wood but beyond that we'll see. you can see the kinds of things people do with small woods if you scout around this site. i am now a member of the small woods association!
i have started a category on the blog for woodland. i realise my bloggging is a bit sparse these days but i hope to record a few of our adventures and discoveries. and there will be photos galore no doubt in the prospect wood album on flickr.
we wanted to mark today as a special day. whilst it poured with rain all morning by the time we got to the wood it was glorious sunshine. we felt we wanted to ask the wood to welcome us and had some words and reflections at the gate as we unlocked it, on the track up to the wood and at the edge of the wood itself. then we had the first fire, ribolita, bubbly, more reflections from basil the great, lord of the rings, and a poem (which i hope i'll get and add here). jen whittled a spoon and we all planted an acorn in soil as a sign of the future that might come from this seed of an idea which has already become a wonderful thing.
jen and i are going on a managing woodland course in october to get a bit more knowledge and experience and skills as we step into this new sideproject - fun times!
here are the words/reflections which were my contribution to today (along with sourdough). i have no idea what other people do to mark such occasions but this seemed fitting to us and it was magical afternoon and evening. i think magical is going to be a much used word when it comes to the wood.
At the gate…
The journey begins
We stand at the threshold of prospect wood
Ready to begin an adventure togetherThe journey begins
What began as a childhood dream
What emerged as an idea in the Presence of SilenceThe journey begins
Pete, Jenny, Julie, Jonny - what a team
We can’t wait to see what unfoldsThe journey begins
Our hearts are full of hope, joy and thanks
Our spirits are full of wonder and offeringThe journey begins
We offer it to the one whose wood it is
We offer it with open hands to all family and friends who will journey here tooThe journey begins
It’s hard to believe this day has arrived
The key to the gate is in our hands
The key to a new future is in our hands
Let us enter it now!
On the path…
Walk slowly
Breathe out
Let go
Be thankful
At Home
In the world
Breathe in
Fresh air!
At the entrance to Prospect Wood…
To be spoken to the woodland, its trees and creatures
We come as friends
We have been given the keys to your wood
We have been entrusted with caring for you
We come as lovers of God and lovers of the world
We find you to be a magical and peaceful woodland
We come in peace
Will you welcome us?We will do our best to help you flourish
To maintain your peace and beauty
To learn the skills we need
And to manage the woodland motivated by love and respect
For the One whose wood it is
And all of you creatures whose home it is.
Will you welcome us?Stand in silence, go and place a hand on a tree at the edge of the woodland and listen for the woodland’s answer. If the answer is no we sell the woodland! If the answer is yes we respond together by bowing and saying…
Thank you!
We have arrived
I am pleased to say on the last point as far as we can tell the answer was yes!