the latest issue of anvil is out and explores mission and church. the direct link to this issue is here and you can read online or download articles as pdf or the whole thing. there are so many questions to explore in relation to this. it's a brilliant issue i think. we try and make it accessible but to have weight to the reflections. hopefully we get that about right. i have a piece in there where i am in conversation with tim nash around what is happening in relation to nomad podcast. a community is orbiting around it that seems quite significant. it's not a church (as in a congregation who meet together weekly) but it is very much church in other ways. so we dive into a discussion around that. in that i speculate that a helpful metaphor for church might be a woodland. i actually push this further in a book i am working on that will be out next summer.
anyway have a read and see what you think. the reason i think the conversation may be of interest is that i think it shines a light on the way many people, at least in western contexts, are assembling their faith and navigating what it means to follow christ in a mix of spaces - online contributes to this environment. thanks to james butler for editing a really good issue. aas ever anvil is online and free.