my blog is now responsive. there you go!
a couple of weeks back a friend said "when are you going to make your blog responsive?" to which i looked quizzical and said "eh?". in my ignorance i had no idea what that meant but it turns out it means it adapts well for different devices especially phones.
i have had a 3 column design for a long time (and was rather fond of it) but to make it responsive i have changed to two columns and found a way in typepad to make that happen. it actually means i am in a beta testing format to do so in the theme builder thing i use to design it so we'll see if there are any snags but hopefully if you are accustomed to looking at it on a phone or something it will look better.
in looking over the blog i found some things linked to hopelessly out of date. in particular i was amazed how few of the people i linked to over the years no longer have their blog or site going. so the links page is massively reduced but no doubt i'll add to it. if you feel like you should be linked to leave me a comment. i have to say i am so glad i have kept the blog ticking away even if it's trod water at times. it's fine having all the other flows on twitter, instagram and so on but to have your own web page/site seems to me like a good thing though that may also make me sound old.
i was in a conversation with a couple of friends the other day and writing books came up in conversation and it made me think i should have a better page of stuff i have published so there is now a page listing publishing at least the things i can remember - books, articles, music.
i have also added a new blog header which i can't work out if i like or not - it's a bit less cool but a bit more playful. anyway if you have any thoughts on any of it leave me a comment.
and i hope the friend who asked me the question will be pleasantly surprised next time he looks at my blog on his phone.