one of the parts of writing imagining mission that i really enjoyed were the sections at the end of each chapter on creativity and imagination. counter intuitively creativity can be helped by having limits within which to work. i was reminded of the quote above from john taylor when the rule of six was introduced. this is a limit but it calls for creative responses. taking church as an example how can church work, grow and be if limited to homes and groups of six? when you stop and think about it there have been loads of times and places where the church has only been able to meet in homes and has flourished. i think i would go so far as to say that households is the most natural habitat for communities of disciples. i realise the photo above is six people plus a foot if you look closely and it's not a home but you get the idea!!
if you'd like to find out a bit more about the book we have a book launch on october 1 which is online and free - register here - love to see you there.