on june 9 i have been invited to host a conversation about culture in willesden (my locale) - theories of culture
but i didn't realise the event is online and apparently anyone can join. this is the blurb i sent:
The gospel always comes wearing cultural robes – so says the great missiologist David Bosch. Yet for most of us that is not easily visible because culture is ‘the way we do things round here’ – it’s our normal. So it can be a surprise when we cross a border or encounter others who don’t share the same values or way of doing things. That gets further complicated when our normal gets tied up with what we think of as the right way to do things or the right way to believe. We kind of know that other countries have different cultures and we think about cross-cultural communication or contextualisation then. But a big adventure the church has been on in the last 50 years is realising that questions of culture are right at the fore in our own neighbourhoods and parishes and not just in relation to other ethnicities and national identities. Youth ministry, pioneering, fresh expressions are all attempts to respond to the challenge of cultures in creative ways. Come and join in a conversation about culture in an undefended relaxed environment. It’s a very rich subject and one that holds a lot of clues for ministry and mission for us all regardless of context or parish.