the newbigin pioneering hub in birmingham celebrated it's launch on saturday. it was great to be there. cathy ross gave the annual newbigin lecture which she titled 'unfinished agenda' riffing on lesslie newbigin's autobigraphy of that title. the unfinished agenda is of mission. cathy suggested there were several areas you could pick to explore that are unfinished but chose to explore the issue of race and mission which she has been reading, reflecting and talking with others about. i am guessing it will be published or appear online somewhere. there were responses from sally mann, mike royal, jenny smith and paul weston. it was really challenging and i was left with lots to chew over!
the hub is a partnership between the urc, seedbeds and cms. it was great to meet several people from the urc and find out some more about their tradition of dissent which rather appeals to me. i found out about dissenting academies and promiscuous eucharists (perhaps more on them another time)! i jotted down a couple of quotes from adrian and jenny who work for the urc and spoke about the partnership. it's great the urc is so enthused about the hub. I really hope it will help nurture a hopeful network and ecosystem of new creative practice and open up some pathfinding dissent. i found it warming hearing someone in the structures saying pioneering is where it is at.
here's a photo of those of us who were involved in the day
update: the lecture can be watched here - unfinished agenda and read here