seven and a half years ago i did a bread making course - ever since then i have made sourdough bread from the same starter. when we did the course we were invited to name our starter and say why. i came up with bbb which stood for baby baker bump as kat was expecting at the time. i knew i had to keep it alive - i guess that's the psychology of naming it! i also had the thought that wouldn't it be great if i could keep the starter going long enough to make bread with bbb at some stage years down the line. it felt a very remote prospect. i don't think i voiced that thought out loud since.
well last week i got a message saying that bbb (who is now known by the name flo) had a school project and wanted to make bread for it - could she do that with me?! and so it came full circle and made this grandad very happy. also got to love the f in the loaf :)