the next grace will be led by tina hodgett and kathryn marson. they have crafted a rather delightful and playful liturgy fusing holy communion and alice In wonderland. it was created for the holy rumpus in the south west of england for a gathering of pioneers. intrigued? come along and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. it will be relaxed, gathered around the table followed by a cafe. everyone is welcome. and of course do feel free to dress accordingly if you would like to!
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will this be made available at all to replicate elsewhere?
Posted by: Erik | January 06, 2023 at 04:11 PM
Good question - I hope so. I did email and ask Kathryn and Tina. who put it together. I will chase them up.
Posted by: Jonny | January 07, 2023 at 11:28 AM