i love the season of lent - it's a time to prepare for easter, and a time to think about what it means to follow christ.
if you are looking for ideas of something to do to help you in that process here's a few i have noticed
cms has a resource called 40 days of yes - it's free, short and simple and will help you reflect on mission and discipleship. you can download as a pdf or follow each day.
brian draper is running his annual reflections - he is a gifted writer in the area of spirituality
elizabeth sercombe (who i know little about) is doing an online adventure thing - others have enthused to me about her - see more here - you'll have to e-mail her for info
proost has a bundle of resources to use either individually or for a church - search under lent or look at the latest newsletter. they include of course the amazing si smith video 40 that i watch every lent and still love!
christine sine begins a series return to our senses in lent which starts tomorrow
mark pierson always sends me a resource printed for lent (and does the same for advent) through the post from new zealand which is extraordinary! you can see and sign up to receive his daily reflections here
at grace we are having weekly meals and conversations with visitors from other communities round london coming and sharing their stories and learning.
if you know of other things or ideas post a comment below. don't be overwhelmed by the different things. by way of advice pick one practice that you might engage in to help you reflect through the season.